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Coconut Grove Is Finally Opening Miamians' Favorite Pie Factory

Fireman Derek's Bake Shop is opening a second location in Coconut Grove.

If you agree that a sweet and tasty pie for dessert is all you need in life, then we have good news: Miami's favorite dessert shop is coming to Coconut Grove. Fireman Derek's Bake Shop is opening its second location on Main Highway. 

While key lime pie might be their specialty, this shop serves the most delicious Nutella stuffed cookies, buffalo chicken hot pie, cake shakes, cheesecakes and more. Fireman Derek's Key Lime Pies first opened its doors in 2014. It's hard to miss the colorful facade while driving around Wywnood. 

Amid the pies firstlaunch, people would rush to the Wynwood store to get the sweetest creations. Now, the locals at the Grove will be able to get Derek's pies in a new 1,100 square feet store. According to the Miami New Times, Kaplan will introduce an interactive ice cream experience where customers will be able to blend any pie flavor with vanilla or chocolate ice cream. 

Additionally, you can get crazy creations such as s'mores and Nutella pie, chocolate peanut butter pie, salty monkey pie, and customers' favorite the crack pie. All the pies at the new store will be baked on site and offer more seating for the public. 

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The new shop is expected to have an expanded product line and more room for customers to enjoy the experience. This place really has the best pies you'll ever try in Miami. But beware, you might get a sugar comma. 

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The new bake shop will be located at 3435 Main Hwy., Coconut Grove and open on Friday, March 1. 

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